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How to Get OP Items from Eggs in Minecraft - Data Pack Download and Demo



Minecraft is a game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky world. But what if you want to add some new features or change some existing ones? That's where modding comes in. Modding is the process of creating custom modifications or mods for Minecraft that alter or enhance the game in some way.

In this article, I will show you how to create a simple mod that makes eggs drop OP items when thrown. OP stands for overpowered, meaning that these items are very powerful and rare in the game. For example, you might get a netherite sword with sharpness 32767, or a potion that gives you every positive effect in the game. This mod will make throwing eggs more fun and rewarding, as you never know what you might get.

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To create this mod, we will use Forge, a mod loader and framework for Minecraft Java Edition. Forge makes it easier to create and install mods, as well as ensuring compatibility between different mods. We will also use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, which will help us write and debug our code.


Before we start creating our mod, we need to make sure we have the following software and tools installed on our computer:

  • An installation of Minecraft Java Edition (version 1.16.5 or higher).

  • An installation of Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher.

  • An installation of Forge (version 36.2.0 or higher).

  • An installation of an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA.

You can download Minecraft from .

Setting up the workspace

Downloading and extracting the MDK

The first step to create our mod is to download and extract the Mod Developer Kit (MDK) from Forge. The MDK contains some files and folders that will help us set up our mod project.

To download the MDK, go to and click on 'Mdk' under the version you want to use (in this case, 36.2.0). Then, click on 'Skip' in the top right corner after waiting for a few seconds. This will download a zip file containing the MDK.

Next, create a new folder on your computer where you want to store your mod project. For example, you can name it 'EggDropMod'. Then, extract the contents of the zip file into that folder. You should see some files and folders such as 'build.gradle', 'src', and 'run'.

Importing the project into an IDE

The next step is to import the project into an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA. This will allow us to edit and compile our code, as well as run and debug our mod.

If you are using Eclipse, follow these steps:

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  • Open Eclipse and select 'File' > 'Import'.

  • Select 'Gradle' > 'Existing Gradle Project' and click 'Next'.

  • Click 'Browse' and select the folder where you extracted the MDK (in this case, 'EggDropMod'). Click 'Finish'.

  • Wait for Eclipse to import the project and resolve the dependencies.

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, follow these steps:

  • Open IntelliJ IDEA and select 'File' > 'New' > 'Project from Existing Sources'.

  • Select the folder where you extracted the MDK (in this case, 'EggDropMod') and click 'OK'.

  • Select 'Import project from external model' and choose 'Gradle'. Click 'Next'.

  • Make sure 'Use auto-import' and 'Create directories for empty content roots automatically' are checked. Click 'Finish'.

  • Wait for IntelliJ IDEA to import the project and resolve the dependencies.

Generating run configurations

The final step to set up our workspace is to generate some run configurations that will allow us to run and test our mod in different environments. These configurations are defined by some Gradle tasks that we need to execute.

If you are using Eclipse, follow these steps:

  • In the Package Explorer, right-click on the project name (in this case, 'EggDropMod') and select 'Gradle' > 'Refresh Gradle Project'. Wait for Eclipse to refresh the project.

  • Right-click on the project name again and select 'Run As' > 'Run Configurations'. Double-click on 'Gradle Project' to create a new configuration.

  • Name the configuration 'genEclipseRuns'. In the 'Gradle Tasks' field, type ':genEclipseRuns'. Click 'Run'. Wait for the task to finish.

  • Close the Run Configurations window. You should see two new launch configurations under the project name: 'EggDropMod_Client.launch' and 'EggDropMod_Server.launch'. These are the configurations that will let you run your mod as a client or a server.

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, follow these steps:

  • In the Gradle tool window, expand the project name (in this case, 'EggDropMod') and double-click on 'Tasks' > 'fg_runs' > 'genIntellijRuns'. Wait for the task to finish.

  • In the Run/Debug Configurations window, you should see two new configurations: 'EggDropMod_Client' and 'EggDropMod_Server'. These are the configurations that will let you run your mod as a client or a server.

Creating the mod

Editing the build.gradle file

Now that we have set up our workspace, we can start creating our mod. The first thing we need to do is to edit the build.gradle file, which is the file that defines how our mod is built and configured.

Open the build.gradle file in your IDE and look for the following section:

// The mappings can be changed at any time, and must be in the following format. // snapshot_YYYYMMDD Snapshot are built nightly. // stable_# Stables are built at the discretion of the MCP team. // Use non-default mappings at your own risk. they may not always work. // Simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace. mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20201028-1.16.3' // makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable.

This section defines the mappings that are used to deobfuscate the Minecraft code and make it readable for us. We need to change the version of the mappings to match the version of Minecraft we are using, which is 1.16.5 in this case. To find the latest mappings for 1.16.5, go to and look for the folder 'net/minecraftforge/forge/1.16.5-36.2.0/'. Inside that folder, you will see a file named ''. Click on it and download it.

Extract the zip file and open the 'build.gradle' file inside it. Look for the same section as before and copy the mappings version from there. In this case, it is '20210625-1.16.5'. Paste it into your own build.gradle file, replacing the old version.

Your build.gradle file should now look like this:

// The mappings can be changed at any time, and must be in the following format. // snapshot_YYYYMMDD Snapshot are built nightly. // stable_# Stables are built at the discretion of the MCP team. // Use non-default mappings at your own risk. they may not always work. // Simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace. mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20210625-1.16.5' // makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable.

Next, look for the following section:

// Here we can define dependencies that are not required for development dependencies // For more info... // // // example // minecraft 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev' // adds buildcraft to the dev env // compile 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev' // adds buildcraft to the compile classpath //minecraft 'com.github.User:Repo:Tag'

This section defines the dependencies that our mod needs to run properly. Dependencies are other mods or libraries that our mod relies on or interacts with. For example, if we wanted to use some features from another mod, we would need to add it as a dependency here.

In this case, our mod does not need any external dependencies, so we can leave this section empty.

Finally, look for the following section:

version = '1.0' group = 'com.yourname.modid' // archivesBaseName = 'modid'

This section defines some information about our mod, such as its version, group, and name. We need to change these values to match our mod's details.

The version is a string that indicates what version of our mod we are working on. It can be anything we want, but it is recommended to follow , which consists of three numbers separated by dots: major.minor.patch.

The group is a string that identifies who made the mod and what domain they belong to. It is usually in the format of 'com.domain.modid', where domain is the reverse of your website or email address, and modid is the unique identifier of your mod. For example, if your website is '' and your mod is 'eggdrop', your group would be 'com.example.eggdrop'.

The archivesBaseName is a string that defines the name of the jar file that will be generated when we build our mod. It is usually the same as the modid, but it can be different if you want. For example, if your modid is 'eggdrop', your archivesBaseName could be 'eggdrop-mod'.

For this tutorial, we will use the following values:

version = '1.0.0' group = '' // archivesBaseName = 'eggdrop'

Save the build.gradle file and refresh the project in your IDE.

Creating a main mod class

The next step is to create a main mod class, which is the class that defines the basic information and behavior of our mod. This class will extend the ForgeMod class and use the @Mod annotation to mark it as a mod.

To create the main mod class, follow these steps:

  • In your IDE, go to the 'src/main/java' folder and create a new package with the same name as your group (in this case, '').

  • Inside that package, create a new class with the same name as your archivesBaseName (in this case, 'EggDrop').

  • In the class, add the following code:

package; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; @Mod("eggdrop") public class EggDrop extends ForgeMod public EggDrop() super();

Let's explain what this code does:

  • The package statement defines what package this class belongs to.

  • The import statement imports the Mod and ForgeMod classes from Forge.

  • The @Mod annotation marks this class as a mod and specifies its modid, which must be the same as the one defined in the build.gradle file.

  • The EggDrop class extends the ForgeMod class, which provides some basic functionality for our mod.

  • The constructor calls the super constructor, which initializes some fields and registers some events for our mod.

Registering an event handler class

The next step is to create an event handler class, which is the class that will handle the events that occur in the game and affect our mod. For example, we will use this class to handle the event that occurs when a player tosses an item, which is what we need to make our mod work.

To create the event handler class, follow these steps:

  • In your IDE, go to the same package where you created the main mod class (in this case, '').

  • Inside that package, create a new class with a name of your choice (in this case, 'EggDropEventHandler').

  • In the class, add the following code:

package; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.item.ItemTossEvent; import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = "eggdrop") public class EggDropEventHandler @SubscribeEvent public static void onItemToss(ItemTossEvent event) // TODO: Add code to handle the item toss event

Let's explain what this code does:

  • The package statement defines what package this class belongs to.

  • The import statements import the ItemTossEvent, SubscribeEvent, and Mod classes from Forge.

  • The @Mod.EventBusSubscriber annotation marks this class as an event handler for our mod and specifies its modid, which must be the same as the one defined in the main mod class and the build.gradle file.

  • The EggDropEventHandler class has a static method named onItemToss, which takes an ItemTossEvent parameter.

  • The @SubscribeEvent annotation marks this method as a subscriber to the ItemTossEvent, which means that it will be called whenever a player tosses an item in the game.

  • The method body is empty for now, but we will add some code to it later.

Handling the ItemTossEvent

The next step is to add some code to the onItemToss method, which will handle the ItemTossEvent and make our mod do what we want. In this case, we want to check if the tossed item is an egg, and if so, spawn some OP items at the location of the egg.

To do this, we will need to use some methods and classes from Forge and Minecraft, such as World, ItemStack, Item, and Random. We will also need to create some constants to define the range and probability of the OP items we want to spawn.

Add the following code to the onItemToss method:

// Check if the tossed item is an egg if (event.getEntityItem().getItem().getItem() == Items.EGG) // Get the world and the position of the egg World world = event.getPlayer().world; double x = event.getEntityItem().getPosX(); double y = event.getEntityItem().getPosY(); double z = event.getEntityItem().getPosZ(); // Create a random number generator Random random = new Random(); // Define some constants for the OP items final int MIN_OP_ITEMS = 1; // The minimum number of OP items to spawn final int MAX_OP_ITEMS = 5; // The maximum number of OP items to spawn final int OP_ITEM_CHANCE = 10; // The chance (in percent) of each OP item to spawn final int MAX_ENCHANTMENT_LEVEL = 32767; // The maximum level of enchantments for the OP items // Define some arrays for the OP items and their enchantments Item[] opItems = Items.NETHERITE_SWORD, Items.NETHERITE_PICKAXE, Items.NETHERITE_AXE, Items.NETHERITE_SHOVEL, Items.NETHERITE_HOE, Items.NETHERITE_HELMET, Items.NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE, Items.NETHERITE_LEGGINGS, Items.NETHERITE_BOOTS, Items.TOTEM_OF_UNDYING, Items.ELYTRA, Items.ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE; Enchantment[] opEnchantments = Enchantments.SHARPNESS, Enchantments.SMITE, Enchantments.BANE_OF_ARTHROPODS, Enchantments.KNOCKBACK, Enchantments.FIRE_ASPECT, Enchantments.LOOTING, Enchantments.SWEEPING, Enchantments.EFFICIENCY, Enchantments.SILK_TOUCH, Enchantments.FORTUNE, Enchantments.UNBREAKING, Enchantments.MENDING; // Generate a random number of OP items to spawn int opItemCount = random.nextInt(MAX_OP_ITEMS - MIN_OP_ITEMS + 1) + MIN_OP_ITEMS; // Loop through the OP items and try to spawn them for (int i = 0; i

Let's explain what this code does:

  • The first if statement checks if the tossed item is an egg, by comparing its item with the Items.EGG constant from Minecraft.

  • The next few lines get the world and the position of the egg, by using some methods from the event and the entity classes.

  • The next line creates a random number generator, which we will use to generate some random values for our mod.

  • The next few lines define some constants for the OP items, such as the minimum and maximum number of items to spawn, the chance of each item to spawn, the maximum level of enchantments for the items, and some arrays of items and enchantments to choose from.

  • The next line generates a random number of OP items to spawn, by using the random.nextInt method and adding the minimum value.

  • The next for loop iterates through the OP items and tries to spawn them, by using the following steps:

  • Generate a random number to see if the OP item should spawn, by using the random.nextInt method and adding 1.

  • If the number is less than or equal to the OP item chance, spawn the OP item, by using the following steps:

  • Generate a random index for the OP item array, by using the random.nextInt method and passing the length of the array.

  • Get the OP item from the array, by using the index.

  • Create a new item stack with the OP item and a random amount (between 1 and 64), by using the ItemStack constructor and passing the item and the random value.

  • Loop through the OP enchantments and try to apply them to the OP item stack, by using the following steps:

  • Generate a random number to see if the OP enchantment should be applied, by using the same method as before.

  • If the number is less than or equal to the OP item chance, apply the OP enchantment, by using the following steps:

  • Generate a random level for the OP enchantment (between 1 and the maximum level), by using the same method as before.

  • Apply the OP enchantment to the OP item stack with the random level, by using the addEnchantment method and passing the enchantment and the level.

  • Spawn the OP item stack in the world at the position of the egg, by using the addEntity method and passing a new ItemEntity object with the world, the position, and the item stack.

Testing the mod

The last step is to test our mod and see if it works as expected. To do this, we need to run our mod as a client and launch Minecraft from our IDE.

If you are using Eclipse, follow these steps:

  • In the Package Explorer, right-click on the project name (in this case, 'EggDropMod') and select 'Run As' > 'EggDropMod_Client'. Wait for Minecraft to launch.

  • Select 'Singleplayer' and create a new world or load an existing one.

  • Get some eggs from the creative inventory or from a chicken farm.

  • Throw some eggs and see what OP items you get.

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, follow these steps:

  • In the Run/Debug Configurations window, select 'EggDropMod_Client' and click on the green play button. Wait for Minecraft to launch.

  • Select 'Singleplayer' and create a new world or load an existing one.

  • Get some eggs from the creative inventory or from a chicken farm.

  • Throw some eggs and see what OP items you get.


Congratulations! You have successfully created a simple mod that makes eggs drop OP items when thrown. You have learned how to set up your workspace, create your mod class, register your event handler class, handle the item toss event, and test your mod. You have also used some methods and classes from Forge and Minecraft to make your mod work.

This mod is just a basic example of what you can do with modding. There are many more possibilities and features that you can add to your mod, such as custom items, blocks, entities, biomes, dimensions, GUIs, commands, recipes, and more. You can also use some existing mods or libraries as dependencies or inspirations for your mod. You can also share your mod with other players and get feedback and suggestions from them.

If you want to learn more about modding, you can check out some of the following resources:

  • , which provides some tutorials and guides on how to use Forge.

  • , which provides some information and details on the game mechanics and features.

  • , which have some sections dedicated to modding discussion and support.

  • , which has some posts and comments related to modding.

  • , which hosts many mods and modpacks that you can download and try.


Q: How do I install mods for Minecraft?

A: To install mods for Minecraft, you need to have Forge installed on your computer. Then, you need to download the mods you want from a trusted source, such as CurseForge. Then, you need to place the mods in the 'mods' folder inside your '.minecraft' folder. Then, you need to launch Minecraft with Forge and enjoy your mods.

Q: How do I uninstall mods for Minecraft?

A: To uninstall mods for Minecraft, you need to remove them from the 'mods' folder inside your '.minecraft' folder. Then, you need to launch Minecraft without Forge or with a different profile. You may also need to delete or backup your world if it was affected by the mods.

Q: How do I update mods for Minecraft?

A: To update mods for Minecraft, you need to download the latest version of the mods you want from a trusted source, such as CurseForge. Then, you need to replace the old versions of the mods in the 'mods' folder inside your '.minecraft' folder with the new ones. Then, you need to launch Minecraft with Forge and enjoy your updated mods.

Q: How do I create custom items for my mod?

A: To create custom items for your mod, you need to create a new class that extends the Item class from Minecraft. Then, you need to register your item using the DeferredRegister class from Forge. Then, you need to create a JSON file that defines the properties of your item, such as its name, texture, model, etc. Then you need to add your item to the creative inventory using the ItemGroup class from Minecraft. You can find some tutorials and examples on how to create custom items on .

Q: How do I create custom blocks for my mod?

A: To create custom blocks for your mod, you need to create a new class that extends the Block class from Minecraft. Then, you need to register your block using the DeferredRegister class from Forge. Then, you need to create a JSON file that defines the properties of your block, such as its name, texture, model, etc. Then, you need to create a BlockItem for your block and add it to the creative inventory using the ItemGroup class from Minecraft. You can find some tutorials and examples on how to create custom blocks on . 44f88ac181

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